Budgeting and Reporting Systems, Financial Modelling and Activity Based Costing (ABC)

Budgeting and Reporting Systems, Financial Modelling and Activity Based Costing (ABC)

RCS has developed a number of internal and external budgeting and financial and performance reporting systems which are tailored for the public sector.

Our financial modelling services are typically used to provide purpose built economic and financial models to forecast the results of alternative scenarios such as:

  • different volume or activity levels;
  • key assumptions such as indexation and growth factors;
  • expenditure and revenue structures; and
  • alternative business models (eg. internal service delivery or outsource).

The models are designed to support ‘what if’ analytical processes.

Our ABC services are typically used to support baseline and indicative costing of services, outputs, and activities and can also calculate unit costs to support charging, cost attribution and funding processes.

Future funding requirements can be determined by changing external workload drivers and changes to funding levels can be back flushed to activities and cost centres to determine the resource implications of alternative scenarios. RCS develops tailored solutions using a range of technology options such as spreadsheet and data base applications, advanced reporting tools and purpose built ABC software.